Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” 1 Samuel 3:4-10

seems these days in this extremely fast-paced world that we live in, it is very
difficult (and rare) to find a quiet moment. Sometimes I feel that if I have
any hope of getting any writing done, I will have to go away and find a cabin
in the woods or a bungalow by the ocean just to find a little peace. There is always a tight schedule to be
followed that barely allows room to breathe, as well as a list of “to do’s”
that would probably take me six months to finish if I did nothing else but work on it solid! But on this
rainy morning here at home, although I am not surrounded by the sound of
silence and not alone, I have found that quiet place of stillness in Him. It’s
a place that is hard to describe, a place of peace and contentment, of hope and
inspiration, of perfect love and trust. I am overwhelmed…
we take the time to get still before God and place Him in His rightful place as
first priority in our lives, He will begin to speak to our heart. When we don’t
have the answers and don’t know what to do, then we need to get still before
the Lord, quiet all of the distractions that occupy so much of our time, and
listen to His voice. It’s easy to come before God with prayers that He will
meet needs for those we love, as well as for ourselves, but it is harder to
just stop and hear what He has to say to us instead of bombarding Him with
everything we want and need.
often we treat our heavenly Father as if He is there to fulfill a supernatural “to
do” list for us, while the whole time He is longing for fellowship with us. He wants our time and His desire is to have our
full devotion and all of our heart. God walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the
Garden of Eden, and He still wants to have those talks with us as we walk with
Him daily if we will only take the time to be still in His Presence. And in the
same way that God called out to Samuel in the night in 1 Samuel 3:10, He is
calling out to us and waiting for us to say, “Speak, for your servant is
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