Sunday, September 7, 2014

Learning Not To Fear

     I don't know about you, but lately, I have been glued to the news. So many bad things are happening in our world, seemingly all at once, and it is very easy to become afraid, unsure, even distraught. Tonight, in fact, I read part of an article about children all over our country who have become extremely sick, and it has gotten so bad that the CDC is concerned about what's going on. I had to stop reading right there because if I'm not careful I will find myself allowing fear to creep in...ugly, terrorizing fear.

     The reason I was able to stop reading that article and just turn away was because the Lord reminded me in that moment that I belong to Him, that my husband and children belong to Him, and that He isn't afraid of the virus going around. None of it has caught Him by surprise. None of the things in the news headlines that tie us up in knots have Him shaking on the throne. He is God, He is faithful, He is unchanging and unshakable.

     I was reminded in that moment that "...I know the One in whom I trust, and I am sure that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until the day of His return." (2 Tim. 1:12 NLT). I have entrusted my life to Him, my family, my everything to Him, and no matter what is happening all around us in this world, I know that He will hold us tightly in the palm of His hand.

     Today, we all have a choice. We can choose fear, doubt, worry, despair. Or, we can choose to trust. We can choose to have confidence and faith in our Savior and Redeemer, who loves us with an unending and never failing love. We can choose to lean on and look to the one who carries us through the darkest night and the fiercest of storms. We can choose to believe. As for me, I know in whom I trust...I know the One I believe.

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